Monday, December 13, 2010

+312 SNOW Day!

It's a SNOW day!! I think my friends from Minnesota and ND sent this our way. It was just 50 degrees and all we had to do was wear a jacket. Now mommy has me bundled up so much I can hardly walk, I love it though. My sisters, James and I got to go out and play. I didn't last to long for in 16 degree weather my nose froze really quick and I wanted to come get warm. After several snowball fights and a few angels in the snow my siblings were right behind me. Mommy had yummy hot chocolate with marshmallows waiting... although I settled for a chocolate muffin and my sippy cup :)!
Hope everyone is staying warm. I can't believe it has almost been a whole year since my family and I made the trip up North. I go back for my check up in Feb, but right now I am doing really well. Praise the Lord! Thank you all for joining me on my adventure and please continue to pray for the many adventures that still lay before me.
Please keep my sweet Torie in your prayers as well. Her Grandmothers and her are still up there from our check up back in August and it doesn't look like she is going home till after New Years. They need much strength & grace.

We love you all and hope you are enjoying the real reason for the Season!!

God bless,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lots to be thankful for!

Our hearts are overwhelmed by all that we have to be thankful for this year. Every year brings new things and by God's grace we made it through the last ones. As everyone gathers around with family and food. Please always remember who ultimately gave you all that you have. May our God who supplies all that we need bless your Thanksgiving. WE love you all and Happy Thanksgiving!

Josiah (and family)
P.s. update on last Friday.. NO STARS! That means everything was perfect.. praise the Lord!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

+285 Picture day

It is that time of year again. The time when mommy makes James,my sisters and I hold still and smile for the camera. Sometimes we smile other times we cry.. we try to have fun but I was going to share some of our pictures with you. Mommy is going to send them out for Christmas. If you don't think mommy has your address leave it in the comments and I will personally sign one and send it to you. We love sharing blessing with everyone.

I am so looking forward to sharing Thanksgiving with my family this year. We always have so much to be thankful for but especially this year. Hope everyone enjoys their week. I have Doctor appointments on Friday so I am sure mommy will want to share how things went but till then. May God bless you and your family!

P.s. Please keep in your prayers families that are in the hospital or away from home during the holidays. Our dear friend Torie is doing better but still won't make it home for thanksgiving (maybe for Christmas). Also, our friend Wyatt is still in the hospital from an infection from his surgery 6weeks ago. And let us not forget our dear angel "cowboy Danny's" family who miss him terribly (especially this time of year). There are so many... may God grant Grace and peace! We love you all and are always in our prayers!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day+273 feelin better

Thank you for your prayers, I do feel better! Last week my fever was so bad but it finally went away and I had lots of other symptoms that didn't make me feel better. I guess it was just what the Doctor said was a virus. James and I do still have a cough that hurts but I am thankful that we both are feeling better. I was even able to help mommy with the chores and do some exercises. I love helping and having energy. I also love to color on everything!! My sisters and James work on school and write on papers so I think I need to also, except I don't like paper. I prefer walls, doors, coupons and anything else that is different. Mommy thinks I might be a artist like my sister Hannah.

I also enjoy watching the men work on our new house. Not very much is done but it is fun watching the big trucks and tractors that come.

My best triplet friend Torie is doing better. She got the whole week off from clinic and may get to go home for Thanksgiving! We both have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for praying for us and please continue, we still have a long road ahead of us.

Lots of love sent to all,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day +265 fever over 103

Good morning,
I haven't felt to good lately. Actually James and I have had a bad cold for a week or two. I was feeling better on Sunday PM but by Monday at lunch I had a fever over 103. Mommy gave me a cool bath and some medicine and it came down to 102.7. My Doctor said I could have some 0f the yummy orange medicine (Ibuprofen) but that didn't seem to help. I made it through the night without going to the emergency room but had to see my Doctor first thing in the morning. My sisters and James got to go play at grandma's and I didn't like that I couldn't go with them. Playing is so much more fun than going to the Doctor. The Dr. said that everything looked ok , so they assume I have a virus. I don't know what a virus is but I was hoping they would keep it when I left. The Lord has blessed and my fever seemed to come down last night with little medicine. I am still groggy and have a little fever but I think maybe I will be feeling better soon. Please pray for James because he just doesn't seem like playing with me very much. He sleeps a lot, maybe he has a virus too and can throw it in the trash and feel better soon. That is what I do with things I don't want anymore , I throw them away. Thank you for all your prayers I know the Lord hears and will be with us.

I have been playing a little more. I love putting daddy's socks on my hands and walking around. Mommy thought it was so I could wipe my nose but I think it is just funny! :) I hope everyone has fun today and enjoys the day.
My triplet friend Torie is back at the Ronald McDonald house and is doing a little better. Although her numbers started coming down just a little, she still needs much prayer for her journey so she can go home. If you want to read about my friend Torie please email her Grandma Cheryl @ her blog has gone private so if you email her she will give you a link to get to read her blog. If you can't get through just let us know your e-mail and we will let her know.
God bless you all and thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

+244 Update on Surgery

Hey Ya'll

Just wanted to update everyone on how my tube surgery went.
The night before, I didn't feel to well and didn't sleep good. Mommy and daddy didn't know what was wrong till the next day we went in for my surgery and while we were waiting for the Dr. daddy found black goo coming from my ear. The Dr. said we had good timing to get that cleaned out and after surgery I had to have drops put in for infection. I did well through the entire day and my ear is still leaking fluid but that is normal, we just continue to use my drops the Dr. gave me.

We have continued to stay busy with building our house, school for my sisters (of course Jay and I love to try too), life with 5 kids and birthday's. It was my Daddy and sister Leah's birthday on Monday. It was my cousin Lily's birthday on Monday and my Uncle Josh's birthday on Wedness. We have a lot of birthday's this time of year and it is so much fun playing and having parties!! Even though I can't eat with everyone or stay to long with my mask on, I enjoy going out and playing and having fun with everyone.

Hope everyone is loving this cool weather.


(this picture is Cousin Lily happy about her presents at her party :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

+236 NO Stars!!

Hello again,

Just wanted to tell you that last Friday I had my monthly check up and I had NO STARS!! That is really good (in case you were wondering :), no stars means nothing is being highlighted as out of the ordinary. So my system is getting back to normal and the Doctors are so very happy (as is everyone else :). Also, I had my last breathing treatment medicine on Friday, so I am officially off ALL medicine! Praise the Lord! (Actual numbers that don't mean very much to most is... my WBC5.9, RBC 4.5, HgB 12.8, Plt count 164 and Neut 41.1)

I do have my tubes replaced on Thursday, so please pray all goes well with that and then I will be all set. Only have to go to clinic to get blood taken once a month till February when we go get my 1 year evaluation in Minnesota. Mommy is also still trying to find a good speech therapist ( so if anyone knows of one in the northern middle TN area let me know) so I can use big words like my bubby. But who needs words anyway, I can get my point across really well. :)

Wanted to wish my big sister a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Last Sunday it had been 9 years that God has blessed us with her and she got a pretty blue bike that I can't wait till I can ride. I love her so much. I will have many more birthday wishes to mention in October so get ready :).

Thanks for the prayers,
P.s. Please always keep my triplet friend Torie in your prayers, she is still in the hospital since we went back for our check ups in Aug. ( unfortunately with all stars on her blood work, and in need of much encouragement and prayers). We love you Torie! Please check out her blog for the latest updates Thank you!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

+210 It's been a long time

Hello everyone,

Sorry it has been so long since I last kept up with ya'll. We have been a little under the weather lately. When Mommy, Daddy and I got home from our trip to Minnesota, James had a fever and was very tired. He continued for days like this ... taking 2-3 naps a day and skipping dessert because he wanted to go to bed. For those of you who don't know my bubby, he is not like that so mommy knew something was wrong. He went to the Dr. and he said it was allergies. ? I think we have ruled it more of a virus/something, because since then everyone has come down with it,Even me... but I haven't had to go to the hospital for it yet so I think my immune system is getting better. Last year if I got a sniffle I was on antibiotics or in the hospital. Praise the Lord!!
Besides being sick we have been busy in our own little world with school, building a house,death of a dear Great Aunt and , well.. just life.

My 6m. labs came back great!! I am still 100% engrafted and all my numbers look great. I did go see the ENT Dr. and my hearing has improved but they still want to put a set of new tubes in for the winter. I get them in the end of September. Then I don't have another appointment to see a Dr. for a month!! WOO HOO! These longer appointment times are great. I just hope I can continue to kick this cold so that I don't have to go back early.
Continue to pray for by bestest triplet Torie! Torie and her grandma's are still at the Ronald McDonald house, they were suppose to leave only days after we did... Please check her blog to see a sweet video of her at a Luau, plus other details and keep our dear friends in your prayers!! We miss them and know that it has been a long haul for this dear family.. but God has a plan for them!!

Hope everyone is doing well and I will try not to let it be to long till I say Hi next time. Don't forget to leave comments, I love hearing from you.

Lots of love to all,
"Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Eph 5:20

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

+188 Home already from 6m.check up

Howdy Ya'll,
We are heading back home to TN after a couple days of labs and tests up here in Minnesota.
I have done so well and the doctors are so very happy with my progress, we just praise the Lord.
We were able to get in the R.McD house on Saturday (despite a very long waiting list) and I got to put in my pop tabs that we have been collecting. Make sure ya'll keep your pop tabs to share with the McD house, that helps them make money. The house felt a little lonely with all my regular friends gone (gracie and her family,Wyatt, DaNNY,Liam and more), but I was so very glad to have my bestest Triplet friend there,Torie (and her grandma's)!!!!!!! I got to play for just a little while with Torie, but it was nice to see her around and get to wave to her at clinic. She is getting around a little more each day, please keep her in your prayers as she has surgery today and more clinic visits this week before heading home.
So for now I get a rest from all these Dr. visits. I have an ENT and lab appointment in about 2 weeks then it will be just checkups (except for my ear tube replacement) from here till my year check up in February. I love playing and exploring and my family and I are just taking it one day at a time. We are thanking God for each day He gives us and we pray that we can share what God has done for me with everyone.
We pray that ya'll are having a wonderful summer and will have a blessed week.
Lots of love to all,

Friday, August 6, 2010

+183 Minnesota here we come!

Well it is me again,

My sister is giving me a hug goodbye (in the picture) but right now I am sitting in our van for a very long car ride. I don't know how long it is but it sure seems forever when you have to sit in a car seat for hours (and hours and hours :). My mommy, daddy and I are heading up to Minnesota for my 6m. check up. Can you believe it has been 6m. already!? My family and I are so thankful that the Lord has kept me so far. I have been off all my medicine for a couple weeks now but I did start on an antibiotic on Monday. My ear has been draining fluid and wax for a couple months but it is getting worse. Then last Saturday my ear hurt and there was a little blood draining from it too. Since the Dr. has been keeping up with it she just called in an antibiotic and hopefully it will get better. Mommy is also putting some herbal drops and cream on the outside as well and it all seems to be helping. Plus we didn't want anything to happen on our trip. I can hardly wait to be up there, hopefully we will get to stay at the Ronald McDonald house. It is so much fun there and they take such good care of my family and I. My triplet Torie is coming too!! My most exciting part is that I will get to see her and her Grandma's. Please pray for safety and good check ups for me and Torie. Pray also for my sisters and Jay who stayed at home with Grandma and Grandpa.

Thanks for checking on me, I miss sharing my news with everyone but are very blessed that I don't have much news to share.

Love to all,

Friday, July 23, 2010

+169 Got my Line out!

Hooray! Just had to share that I went through my procedure like a Pro. I went into "surgery" and daddy and mommy went to get some breakfast. Before they even had their food the Dr. had called to say I was done and ready. The call kind of scared mommy because it was so quick that they thought something might be wrong. They took me from there to get checked with my BMT Dr. and they were shocked I was there already... they also thought it might have been cancelled because we were up there so fast. Praise the Lord! Thank you for praying for me. I am doing so good and am finally off my medicines (except infusions as needed). I go to Minnesota for my 6m. check up August 7th for a week and my next appointment is back here two weeks after that. Everyone notices the differences in me. It is normal for BMT patients to loose a little ground the year after BMT... I have actually gained ground!! Praise the Lord. We are so excited and looking forward to what the Lord has for my future. Thank you all for being there and for your prayers it has been so encouraging.

Hope that everyone has a wonderful week!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

+164 Uncle Josh's Wedding

We got here safe and are having a wonderful weekend. I just wanted to say "UNCLE JOSH IS MARRIED!" I sure love my uncles and it was so nice to be able to make his wedding. When they were first planning the wedding it was before my transplant and we didn't know if we would be able to go. God has blessed so much and I am so thankful that my family and I could here for his special day. I put a couple of my favorite pictures on here but if you want more mommy posted a bunch on her face book. We are on our big trip home now and I am resting more this time... I think the whole trip has worn me out... but it was wonderful! Beautiful Bride, Beautiful day, Family and friends...God is good!

I am going to have my line to my heart (Hickman) out on Friday. Please pray that goes well and it will all be good from here. I will try to let you know when I come out of Anesthesia.

Hope ya'll are enjoying your weekend.

Lots of love,

Friday, July 16, 2010

+162 New hair cut for our trip


Just wanted to say Hi from the car on our big trip. In case you missed it from my picture I don't like the long car rides. I really enjoy going on trips and staying in hotels and having fun, just no car rides. I am not doing to bad and am looking forward to seeing Uncle Josh and our IL. family. I did get a new haircut for all the pictures. You may not be able to tell but Daddy shaved some of my fur from my face and neck. Mommy thinks I look so handsome, I just think I itch from all the hair.

My sisters and James are really enjoying the trip. They keep asking "are we there yet?" I think I would be too if I could talk like them, but this is the best way to get my point across.
Over all we are having fun spending time together. We look forward to actually getting there. Mommy will try and post pictures of the wedding on our way home.

We hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend,

Josiah and family :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

+155 The Lord's continued blessings

Hello to all,

It has been a couple weeks since I last caught everyone up, but that is because I am doing so well. We continue to thank the Lord for His continued blessings in my life. Today I had my check up at Vanderbilt and had a busy day. I had to have an infusion of IVIG (antibodies got a little low), an antibiotic breathing treatment, and an Echo... all that besides seeing the Doctors. But it was all worth it, I got a good report and everything is going good. I have one more day of my yucky medicine (CSA, or fur growing medicine ;) and only one more week of my blood pressure med and Magnesium. YEAH! In about two weeks I will have my line out and my ear appointment. We also have my 6m. check up in Minnesota in Aug and they will think I am back to normal... what is normal again? Anyway, I am very blessed!

Also, my Uncle Josh is getting married next Friday so we get to take a trip to Champagne IL. All my sisters are going to be flower girls in it and they are really excited. I'll have to show ya'll some pictures when mommy gets them.

We hope all goes well and are looking forward to finishing this chapter of my life. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement, we are very grateful for all your love!

Till next time...May God bless you all,

P.s. Please pray for the Hansen family! Our dear cowboy DaNNY passed away last week. He will be greatly missed but we are so privileged that our paths crossed and we got to meet this sweet boy and his family. They really need God's strength. Thank you!

Friday, June 25, 2010

+141 another good week

Hello family and friends,
It has been a good week for me. I went to clinic today and they said I am still doing really well. I am only two weeks away from being off my CSA and they lowered my blood pressure medicine. So now I am on only 3 meds. two times a day. I am also going to get my Hickman line ( the tubes that go into my heart) removed and my tubes in my ears put back in soon. They are scheduling that for a few weeks from now. In August I am suppose to go back to Minnesota for my 6month testing but mommy said we are having a few problems working out all the details. My triplet friend Torie will be there for her 6m. check up too, that would be so much fun. She is back home now and doing well, Praise the Lord! Please keep them in your prayers.

My family has been doing well, staying busy around the farm. Mommy and Leah were sick at the beginning of the week but they are doing better and no one else got it. Daddy's computer still is not working, so no pictures yet to share with you. I still love posing for pictures and videos, it is so much fun. It has also been very hot this week but we are staying fairly cool and we are thanking the Lord for Air conditioners (that work :) We hope that ya'll are doing well and we are so thankful for your continued prayers. The Lord has blessed me so much! May God bless each of you also!

Lots of hugs,

Saturday, June 19, 2010

+135 A week off!

Good Morning,
I usually write on Fridays but this week is a little different. I got a day off of going to the hospital from last week because I am doing so well. The Doctor actually said that I am on "auto pilot" and we only have to call if I get a fever. I do still have a little rash that is moving and seems to be in and around my mouth but we are still just watching it. I also have been trying to say more things, it comes out in just sounds and syllables but mommy is happy that I am at least trying. I wish I could share a picture with you this week of the fun stuff I am doing but daddy's computer isn't working so we will get to share more pictures with you when he gets it fixed. The Lord has blessed us so much, even when it seems so bleak and everything is going wrong we realize I am doing well and we are home with family and friends. God is good!

Thank you for your continued prayer for my friends at the R.McD house. I know each one would covet prayers. Miss Gracie got to get a pass from the Hospital and come visit the R.McD house, that is huge and we are so happy for her. Hopefully they will get to go home soon. Also my bestest triplet Torie is on her way home as well, hopefully almost there by now. Please pray for continued grace in our dear friends lives.

So glad you stopped by to see how we are doing. Hope everyone has a blessed week and stay cool!!! :)
Love to all,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

+127 another great week!

I hope your week has been blessed. It is hard not to keep up with everyone more than once a week but at least I can now and then. I miss hearing from ya'll too, I love to know how God has blessed your life as well and to keep in touch with whom ever God brings my way. I love reading my bestest Triplet friend ever, Miss Tories blog! She is doing better and we are praying she gets to go home next week!! Her Grandma's are super and we miss them so much.. please continue to pray for them. Also, all our friends at the R.McD house need much prayer. As Torie's grandma said "you know when people talk to you and say "I know exactly what you mean" and they have no clue, not at the R.McD. house". There are many families there that hang on to every moment in case it is the last. We met many families and dear friends there and continue to pray for them.

As for me, my week has been long and hot. My family has been trying to clean up our place a little, after being gone so long there are many different projects that need to be done. It has been hot and humid but the Lord has blessed with a cool air conditioner! I still love to go out and play but don't do to much because of this rash I still have. Mommy and daddy are still watching it and it doesn't seem to get much worse it just travels. So I try to stay inside and out of the sun but I still love swinging and playing with my kitty cat (that stays outside). I am trying to talk more with my signing, mommy got so excited the other day when I tried to say "candy" when I signed it. I don't know why she started clapping I just wanted to get her attention. She gave me a big piece of chocolate when I did that so maybe I will try it again!! :)

I go to clinic again today, hopefully no more car problems! It is just a lab check up and to see how my rash is doing. I am down to only 3 medicines, (CSA, Mag, and Blood pressure)!! As you can see the medicine is still making my fur grow. :) We are already trying to plan our trip in August for my 6m. check up, by then I should be off my CSA and almost done with my other two medicines. I can't wait!! Anyway, I will let ya'll go but know that you have greatly blessed me and my family and we so appreciate your prayers.

May God bless your coming week,
P.s. please also continue to pray for travel mercies as we go to Vanderbilt for clinic every Friday. We seem to keep having vehicle problems each week. Today our tire went flat about 45 min from home. God greatly blessed and kept us safe and we pray He continues!

Friday, June 4, 2010

+120 God keeps our every step

Hello to all again,

Hope everyone had a wonderful week. We have stayed busy as usual and are adjusting to being back on a schedule. Today I had my weekly clinic visit and all my labs looked good.. still can't wean my Blood pressure meds or Mag. yet but I will get there. My Echo had no change, so the little fluid from last week is still there but they don't think I need another test for a month. I do have a rash that has popped up just today and it is all over my body. Can't really tell what it is from, but they don't really think it is GVHD so that is good. We just wait and watch it for any change. Please pray that it will go away (for mommy and daddy's peace of mind) and it is a little itchy. We also had our alternator go out on our van as we were coming back from the hospital today. It has been a very long day but things are never boring. We thank the Lord for keeping us when we don't think we can go another step. Please keep praying for Torie and her Grandma's, she is back at the R.McD. house doing some better but they would so love to go home.

Well, may God bless your week and hopefully we can touch base next Friday.

Lots of hugs from a tired boy,