I know it's been over a year since I posted... but all I have time for right now is a *quick update*.
We had another appointment at Vanderbilt yesterday. Josiah has broken a bone in the vertebra in his neck that we never realized. They found this when they were looking at how extensive the surgery is going to be to fuse bones in his neck due to inflammation around the spinal cord.This bone moves every time Josiah moves his head down and could puncture his spinal cord. So he will have to have surgery for both the broken bone and the fusing of the neck soon. They are trying to coordinate these surgery's with the surgery for his back.
His spine has gotten worse in the last year and will take an extensive surgery to fix just that. The Doctors are getting together in the next week to see our next step and figure out how much they think Josiah's little body can handle at one time. Josiah's legs have also started hurting him lately and is making it harder for him to get around. That surgery will be after the above mentioned. His spirit is still High and he is a trooper, but please pray for wisdom, peace and Healing. Thank you!