Thursday, May 13, 2010

+98 almost home

Hello everyone,
I am on my way home!!! We are all very excited and can't wait to actually pull in our driveway. Tuesday was a long day.... packing and packing... it seemed to never end. Finally we did pull out of the Ronald McDonald house around 3:30pm. We are so grateful for the Ministry of the R.McD house, they have blessed our family so much! We only went a little ways on Tuesday and stopped at bedtime. I don't like traveling and cried almost the whole time. After a good night sleep I felt better and so did everyone else (..because I was in a better mood). We had lots of hours in the car again but my Uncle let us use his vehicle to come home and I love it ( it has my own DVD player and I can watch Signing Time all the way home :). Even though it was a long day on Wed we got to break up the day by spending a couple hours with my Great Aunt Cindy and Great Uncle Jim. They even had some delicious homemade soups, salads, and sandwiches for us when we arrived.... yumm. Also, I got to play with my cousins Dean and Sarg ( we have never met Sarg before and he is my age), it was a lot of fun. Another good night sleep and we are off today for many more hours to go.... but we are almost home! It has been such a long journey but the Lord is good, He has brought us so far. We are so privileged to have met many wonderful friends along the way. We wanted to share some of the pictures of our dear friends with you ( we didn't have a pic of everyone). We continue to pray for all the families from the Ronald McDonald house and know we have made new friendships for life!!

As you know we left one of our triplets in MN... Miss Torie is still on 5D but her bone marrow test came back that she is 93% engrafted!! Praise the Lord!! We hated to leave her behind but we know we will one day see her again... we can't wait. Also, we included a picture of Miss Gracie Larson. She is the one with the Halo on her head... but good news the Halo is off now and she has had a few really good days.
My family and I are so very grateful that you have all been there to encourage and pray for us. Even though we are almost over this hurdle our journey has just begun. Thank you for traveling with me. I love you all!
God bless you,

Josiah and family



    Enjoy the special feeling of "going and being at home!"

    In friendship,
    The Wagner Family

  2. Oh Dear Sweet Si - I miss you and your family so much already! I got home from the hospital and wanted to go to your room and say hi, but my Grandma's said you are almost home! I'm saying my prayers for your Echo to be good tomorrow and for your safe travels. My Papa-Great was so glad to meet your family too. I miss you and love you and my Tennesee family! Torie and the Grandma's


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