Just wanted to tell you that last Friday I had my monthly check up and I had NO STARS!! That is really good (in case you were wondering :), no stars means nothing is being highlighted as out of the ordinary. So my system is getting back to normal and the Doctors are so very happy (as is everyone else :). Also, I had my last breathing treatment medicine on Friday, so I am officially off ALL medicine! Praise the Lord! (Actual numbers that don't mean very much to most is... my WBC5.9, RBC 4.5, HgB 12.8,
Plt count 164 and Neut 41.1)
I do have my tubes replaced on Thursday, so please pray all goes well with that and then I will be all set. Only have to go to clinic to get blood taken once a month till February when we go get my 1 year evaluation in Minnesota. Mommy is also still trying to find a good speech therapist ( so if anyone knows of one in the northern middle TN area let me know) so I can use big words like my bubby. But who needs words anyway, I can get my point across really well. :)
Wanted to wish my big sister a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Last Sunday it had been 9 years that God has blessed us with her and she got a pretty blue bike that I can't wait till I can ride. I love her so much. I will have many more birthday wishes to mention in October so get ready :).
Thanks for the prayers,
P.s. Please always keep my triplet friend Torie in your prayers, she is still in the hospital since we went back for our check ups in Aug. ( unfortunately with all stars on her blood work, and in need of much encouragement and prayers). We love you Torie! Please check out her blog for the latest updates http://www.toriebrady.blogspot.com/ Thank you!