Our Vacation from Doctors is almost over. I know it's been a long time since I talked to ya'll but I have been doing so well and enjoying my summer that I almost forgot that life wasn't all about fun and playing. As you can see in the picture that the outside of our house is almost done. It has a long way to go but it is fun to see it look more like a house. We also have a big garden this year. So we have been busy keeping the animals and bugs out, weeding, canning beans (together with family we have canned over 350 jars... whew!),onions, okra, corn, eating tomatoes, green peppers and waiting for our squash, zucchini and pumpkins to come in. We
have had family come visit, Grandpa and grandma are driving to Alaska (yes, driving :) and next week we will have 3 of our cousins come live with us for several days.
We are about to get back to business though. I will be having minor surgery soon. They have to schedule everyone together so I don't have a date yet but it has to be in the next couple of weeks. I will have a bunch of dental stuff done, my ear tubes replaced (again) and an ABR (hour hearing test) done. The Doctors will give me medicine to help me sleep and I will have a tube in my throat. They say I won't feel it because I will be asleep, but I still don't like it. I will be asleep for almost 3 hours. Please pray that it all goes well. This all has to be done in a couple weeks because I will have my double hip surgery September 20th. They will fix both my hips and brake and move both ankles. That day they say I will be asleep for over 13 hours.. YIKES! Mommy says I will be in the
ICU for almost 5 days and
in a body cast for 6 weeks. I love playing, climbing, running and kicking a ball so much I can't understand what she is talking about but I know that the Lord will give grace one day at a time. I will keep you posted when we know more but till then I am going to make the
most out of each day the Lord gives. I hope that you do too!
Blessings to all,
Josiah and family