Howdy Ya'll,
We are heading back home to TN after a couple days of labs and tests up here in Minnesota.
I have done so well and the doctors are so very happy with my progress, we just praise the Lord.
I have done so well and the doctors are so very happy with my progress, we just praise the Lord.
We were able to get in the R.McD house on Saturday (despite a very long waiting list) and I got to put in my pop tabs that we have been collecting. Make sure ya'll keep your pop tabs to share with the McD house, that helps them make money. The house felt a little lonely with all my regular friends gone (gracie and her family,Wyatt, DaNNY,Liam and more), but I was so very glad to have my bestest Triplet friend there,Torie (and her grandma's)!!!!!!! I got to play for just a little while with
Torie, but it was nice to see her around and get to wave to her at clinic. She is getting around a little more each day, please keep her in your prayers as she has surgery today and more clinic visits this week before heading home.
So for now I get a rest from all these Dr. visits. I have an ENT and lab appointment in about 2 weeks then it will be just checkups (except for my ear tube replacement) from here till my year check up in February. I love playing and exploring and my family and I are just taking it one day at a time. We are thanking God for each day He gives us and
we pray that
we can share what God has done for me with everyone.