Well, the last time we talked I told you I was suppose to have my tubes replaced and dental work done. That didn't happen, ( A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps (Prov.16:9). I have been sick for the last couple of weeks with bad cold/allergies so they wouldn't do it anyway but I think they moved it till December, we will see.
Although I do have my BIG surgery coming up. The next time I talk to you I will be able to share a picture of my special cast. Maybe everyone can come sign it! My hip surgery is next Tuesday (Sept.20) at 6:00am. I will be put to sleep for over 13 hours. Actually longer than that, for I will be under lots of medicine for several days till my body adjusts to the shock of all of it. Then they wake me up... please pray for that. I don't understand it all but mommy and daddy know I still won't understand when I wake up and can't move, walk and am in a lot of pain. I know the Lord is in control and we ask you all for your prayers for it all to go smoothly, quickly and with not much pain. Also for my family to be in peace knowing that the Lord has everything under control. This is just another journey that goes into my book and has a special ending even when we haven't read it yet.
Love to all,
Josiah (and family)
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