Boy I can't believe it has already been a week since we last talked. Last Friday I went and saw my hip doctor who said I needed a double hip surgery sooner then later. I think it scares me a little about being in a full body cast for weeks. Mommy and daddy still are trying to make a decision if this is best for me, so please keep praying.
Friday night I got to play with Torie (who is on her way home now.. woo hoo!) and see some of my other friends. There were 6 children in the house
We left for home on Saturday and got to IL. but then daddy got really sick ( with bronchitis), but the Lord heard all the prayers and he felt like we could continue our trip in the Morning. We finally got home on Sunday night and I was so excited to see my sisters, brother, grandma's and grandpa's. We have stayed very busy with settling back home and trying to help with my great grandma with is going to be with Lord very soon. Not only all that but then the flu started traveling around our house. Hopefully
it will be gone soon. James and I haven't gotten it so we try to take care of everyone and so does my big sister Hannah who has been a great help. Our days are full but we know the Lord is in control. Thank you for visiting and check back soon! We love you all!