Thank you all for your prayers. Mommy says that I finally have my smile back.
If you saw my fish picture from last nights post you would see my last smile of the day. After surgery I was really groggy and had to have oxygen to help me breathe. I wasn't feeling to well and when I got home I took a really good nap. I am suppose to be on soft foods or liquids but after not eating all day all I wanted for dinner was "real" food. I finally settled on ice cream since I never get that for dinner but I sure wanted some chicken, that is my favorite! I didn't even give smiles out when I was going to bed and giving everyone kisses but I did sleep pretty good (besides the medicine daddy had to give me in the night). I woke up all smiles!
I share my toothless smile with my sister Leah, now. She lost one front tooth last week and then
wanted to make me feel
Mommy put pictures on the bottom of my letter if you want to see my prize possession. Although, if you don't like yucky stuff I wouldn't suggest you look at them. Mommy put them up for safe keeping but couldn't believe how big my teeth were.Thank you for praying for me because I was feeling so yucky and feel better today. Please continue to pray that I don't get any infection and I stay healthy for my next Surgery (Feb.28th). Hope you enjoy your day, it is about 60-65 degrees and sunny here so I want to go play.
Bye for now,
Yucky stuff below.. :)
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