Just wanted to say Hi from the car on our big trip. In case you missed it from my picture I don't like the long car rides. I really enjoy going on trips and staying in hotels and having fun, just no car rides. I am not doing to bad and am looking forward to seeing Uncle Josh and our IL. family. I did get a new haircut for all the pictures. You may not be able to tell but Daddy shaved some of my fur from my face and neck. Mommy thinks I look so ha
ndsome, I just think I itch from all the hair.

My sisters and James are really enjoying the trip. They keep asking "are we there yet?" I think I would be too if I could talk like them, but this is the best way to get my point across.
Over all we are having fun spending time together. We look forward to actually getting there. Mommy will try and post pictures of the wedding on our way home.
Over all we are having fun spending time together. We look forward to actually getting there. Mommy will try and post pictures of the wedding on our way home.
Hi my furry friend! Your new haircut looks so good...maybe I might have to get one like it so we can still be twins! I'm sorry you're not having much fun in the car but I know you will when you get there. We love to see pictures of our triplet and our sisters. We miss you all so much, but your posts help! I'm sending you prayers and happy thoughts. SSSSi! XXXOOO Torie and the Grandma's