Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hello, My name is Josiah Carman (or Si, as my family calls me). I am 2 1/2 year old boy with Hurlers Syndrome. I was diagnosised in June,2009.

In my Profile picture I am with my family, I Love my family! I am the one in the plain Green shirt, the striped green shirt is my twin brother James and the girls are my big sisters. My dad is named Jim and he is holding me, I think he is my most favorite person in the whole world.

I am currently having "ERT" (enzyme replacement therapy) done at Vanderbilt Children's hospital. I have had 12 treatments so far and they seem to really help me. In the last several months I have had surgery, pneumonia about 6 times, runny noses, Hearing test, and seeing lots of Doctors. I don't like Doctors to much, I do enjoy the nurses that I get use to ... Like Nurse Mimi who helps me with my" ERT's", she is my friend!

Mommy says that I get to go to Minneapolis, MN on December 26Th for a Bone Marrow Transplant. It sounds really scary but Daddy says it might help me get better. James gets to go with me too (because he is my donor), God gave me a twin to help save my life. I am so excited that he gets to go with me because I love to play with him and he looks at pictures with me. I love pictures! I love watching my shows and dancing, James dances for me and makes me laugh.

I love singing and clapping. I also love when my family prays, I fold my hands and bow my head and I am really quite. We pray all together ever day, usually we ask God to help me get better but I love to pray for all sorts of things. My family prays that as I get better that we can be an example of Jesus healing. No matter what happens here on earth I know that God will heal me. Thank you for reading and going on my journey with me. I will tell you more about how I am doing later. God bless you all, Josiah

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rachel and family!

    I am so excited to see this blog so that we can know exactly how to pray for our special friend, Josiah.

    Anna was wondering if she can post about Josiah's blog, so that others who visit her blog can pray for Josiah. Her blog is

    Just let us know!

    We are praying for you!

    Leslie Wagner


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