Boy has it been a long week..... When I don't get to talk to ya'll for a whole week it seems like so much happens. Last Saturday James and I turned 3!! Woo Hoo! We didn't get together with family like normal to have a big party but I still had a good day.
We have had some sickies in our family... such as my sister Sara had Pneumonia and I am on Antibiotics for a snotty nose and bad cough. James has had a bad cold all week and so has Hannah and Leah (off and on). Everyone seems to be doing better today though. Daddy still thinks that a lot of this is all allergy related since he has had some bad allergy attacks this week too. Over all we have had a good week and are very blessed!! All our friends at the R.McD House have had bumps in the road this week and really need our prayers. When we start to focus only on our problems and get a little down, it just reminds me to pray for my friends that aren't even home yet.

Today I am going to clinic to get my labs done. Shouldn't be exciting but then boring is good!! I am 3 weeks into getting off my CSA and hopefully I will get to start to wean my Mag. and Blood pressure medicines. I have another week of my Antibiotic ( which I really hate! Blah!) and then maybe I will be almost done with all these medicines. I can't believe how much God has blessed me and my family and are so thankful to you all who are praying for us. Please continue to pray as our journey continues but also please pray for all of our friends at the R.McD house ( Torie, Gracie, Danny, Mckenzie,Sydney,Liam and many more)... makes you count your blessings!!

May God bless you all and hope you have a wonderful week!!