Saturday, May 1, 2010

+86 God hears our prayers!

Hello to all,

Boy I can't believe how good I feel. My therapist just thought before that I was ready to go and had lots of energy... look at me now. I have been up since 6:15am after a good nights sleep ( as good as you can in the hospital) and I am so ready to go. I have been running around the room, climbing (even under my bed) and getting into everything. I took a walk in the hall and a therapist was out there, she said " I was coming to do a PT evaluation on you and you look great, eval done!" I have already had my Echo which looks really good and my labs which looked even better then they ever have. Praise the Lord, isn't it amazing how great our God is.... He sure hears our prayers (I know sometimes it's hard to wait to see the big picture, but even then He gives grace.) I am so thankful for all of you who were here for me praying and encouraging my family in times of need. All the Doctors have said that I can leave today and I am just waiting for the "go" signal... then I am outta here! :)

God bless you all and have a wonderful day!!



  1. Praise GOD from WHOM all blessings flow!!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing the update with us!!!

    In friendship,
    The Wagner Family from VA

  2. Sounds like the steroids have you a little hyped up but so GLAD and THANKFUL to God that you are able to be so active. We continue to pray and trust that you will be home very soon!!

    We sure enjoy seeing your family every Sunday!

    The Chanski Family

  3. You surprised them again! Way to go! And even though we don't His plan, I know we are a big part of it! We're so glad you're back at the House...Love, Torie and the Grandma's


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