Greetings from Josiah's mom (Josiah is a little tired from all that unfolded yesterday, so I will share the events of our day :),
As the sun comes up on yet another day, I am reminded of all the wonderful blessings the Lord has given. Even when we don't know what the day will bring, He gives a special peace to those who know the Lord is in control of every step we take. Yet again our life has been turned upside down, but sometimes the view is better from down here.
We set off yesterday to the hospital to have all of Josiah's pre-0p appointments. Hours after we first set foot in the door the Surgeon says we will probably have to postpone his surgery. Knowing this was a possibility it didn't come as a shock but a bit of a disappointment. We have waited months for this surgery and we really just wanted it to be over. Even though Josiah has been on Antibiotic for a couple days now there is still a higher risk of infection due to him being sick so close to the surgery. One of the biggest concerns after surgery is Pneumonia setting in and of course with just getting over a respiratory infection there is even greater risk of this. Also, they put screws and plates inside of him to hold the bones in place and if any germ gets into the blood stream during surgery it will go straight to this site and cause more infection. So knowing that the surgery already comes with risk, the Surgeon and Anesthesia doctors have chosen to post pone the surgery for at least 6 weeks after his antibiotic is finished (making the new date November 29th). This is the case only if he completely gets over this cold and doesn't get anything else in the mean time.

So some may feel the prayer crises has been postponed, please don't let that be the case. I know that everyone has trials everyday, some more than others BUT please keep Josiah on your list! Prayer changes things! We are faced with some more information that needs our prayers. We do need Josiah to be healthy for the next 6 weeks ( and beyond) but also for his blood and body to get strong in the mean time. Josiah will be having a surgery to fix his hips and turn his ankles. They will be cutting the bones, creating new cups for the hip bones to go into, cutting 1 if not 2 leg bones to turn his feet (total radius of 90Degrees) on both hips and ankles. The plan right now is to go as far as Josiah's body can handle... to do both sides which will be a 13-15 hour surgery, minimum of 5 days in ICU and 6 weeks in a half body cast........
the NEW news... if they can't complete the surgery and Josiah has any risk they will only complete one side, One hip and one ankle. Doesn't sound to bad. Except that if this is done we have 2 options. To do the surgery on one side and then he will be in ICU for a week wake up and have the second one done. He will be in the ICU for at least another week hoping that his body doesn't go into shock from the first one and the risk of infection grows. Or have the first one done and be in a half body cast for 6 weeks just to start all over on the other side. That would mean almost 3 months of a half body cast.
We know the Lord is in control and His will is going to be done. Yet you see why we continue to ask for your prayers. Prayers for wisdom and strength. We know the Lord hears our prayers and He has blessed Josiah so much (and all the rest of us), that I know the blessings will continue even if our world turns upside down. We have been so blessed by all the support and prayers from all our family and friends, the Lord has used YOU and we couldn't of done it without all the support.
Thank you,
Josiah's Mom, Dad, sisters, brother and of course Josiah :)