Friday, January 29, 2010

-6 days (& counting)

Hello to all,
I have had my fourth day of Chemo (last day of Cytoxin) and still doing well. Yesterday after my 3rd chemo I got a little sick and lost everything I had eaten for breakfast. I am not too hungry since then and shake my head at food. I did eat a little for supper last night and a 1/2 of a banana for breakfast but nothing else. The Dr. said that if I continue to not eat I will need a nutrition IV put in. I need to keep my calories up so I continue to have strength and energy. So far I still have some energy and love to get out of bed and play ball or color. I love crayons and coloring. I love to dump the crayons and put them back into the box almost as much as actually coloring. :)
I also start a new medicine (among the many) tonight to help keep away seizures (Keppra). The next four days of Chemo (Busulfan)is different then the one I have had the last 4 days. The Dr. told mommy that the new medicine is known to cause seizures. So please pray that my body continues to work with the medicine and I can get better.
I am a little more tired and pale but I am still SI who loves to watch shows, play and clap. Mommy and Daddy are still really encouraged at how well I am doing so far and continue to pray for strength and energy for everyday ( for mommy and daddy as well as Si :) . Thank you for your comments, prayers and encouragement. It is really nice for Josiah and the whole family to know that ya'll are here with us. God bless ya'll!
P.s. If you want to keep up with my friend Torie please visit her blog at


  1. Finally - I got Jamie to show me how to post a comment even though it says it is from Marc. Rachael, I love your blog with Josiah. It makes Grandma Linda's day to see him. Love and prayers.

  2. Si, I love putting crayons back in the box too! I can't wait to play with you when we bust outa here! Maybe we can hook up for some wagon rides in a few weeks! XXXOOO Torie


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