I hope your week has been blessed. It is hard not to keep up with everyone more than once a week but at least I can now and then. I miss hearing from ya'll too, I love to know how God has blessed your life as well and to keep in touch with whom ever God brings my way. I love reading my bestest Triplet friend ever, Miss Tories blog! She is doing better and we are praying she gets to go home next week!! Her Grandma's are super and we miss them so much.. please continue to pray for them. Also, all our friends at the R.McD house need much prayer. As Torie's grandma said "you know when people talk to you and say "I know exactly what you mean" and they have no clue, not at the R.McD. house". There are many families there that hang on to every moment in case it is the last. We met many families and dear friends there and continue to pray for them.
As for me, my week has been long and hot. My family has been trying to clean up our place a little, after being gone so long there are many different pro

jects that need to be done. It has been hot and humid but the Lord has blessed with a cool air conditioner! I still love to go out and play but don't do to much because of this rash I still have. Mommy and daddy are still watching it and it doesn't seem to get much worse it just travels. So I try to stay inside and out of the sun but I still love swinging and playing with my kitty cat (that stays outside). I am trying to talk more with my signing, mommy got so excited the other day when I tried to say "candy" when I signed it. I don't know why she started clapping I just wanted to get her attention. She gave me a big piece of chocolate when I did that so maybe I will try it again!! :)
I go to clinic again today, hopefully no more car problems! It is just a lab check up and to see how my rash is doing. I am down to only 3 medicines, (CSA, Mag, and Blood pressure)!! As you can see the medicine is still making my fur grow. :) We are already trying to plan our trip in August for my 6m. check up, by then I should be off my CSA and almost done with my other two medicines. I can't wait!! Anyway, I will let ya'll go but know that you have greatly blessed me and my family and we so appreciate your prayers.
May God bless your coming week,
P.s. please also continue to pray for travel mercies as we go to Vanderbilt for clinic every Friday. We seem to keep having vehicle problems each week. Today our tire went flat about 45 min from home. God greatly blessed and kept us safe and we pray He continues!