After a fun weekend we had clinic on Monday. I had my 60 day labs (the results won't come back for awhile) and and they took off my lipids (the fat in the TPN) to see if I would continue to eat better. My eating has improved and I even went to the fridge and asked to eat today. I am doing well even though I am getting a little tired of all the therapy, I have some every day of the week.
Also, my sisters and Pa-paw had haircuts yesterday. Here at the
R.McD house they have volunteers from salons around town to come in and do haircuts and styles for free. My sisters had so much fun getting all fixed up and Pa-Paw got a really short cut for the summer. I would of gone but I still don't have hair on my head yet just everywhere else. I am turning into a furry boy.. the side effects of the CSA (med. I will be on till day 100 and then taper off for 8 weeks), it grows hair everywhere but your head. I had a bath tonight and it made all my hair all over my body stick straight up, mommy just laughed. We didn't get a picture because I was so cold so I wouldn't let them take the time to take one.... maybe next time. :)
We got to see something I wouldn't of guessed you would see in the city. A turkey in the parking lot... and it just stayed there. Daddy said we should shoot it for Easter Dinner but Hannah said that she didn't think they would allow you to shoot it here. It was a reminder of home though and it was so funny.
Thank you all for hanging in there with me and for all your prayers and encouragement.... it helps keep us going. We miss you all and long for home.
love the new hair cuts, girls!! :) we love and miss you lots!! hugs and kisses to all!!
aunt Julia, uncle Steve, Carson, Callie and Chloe