Thursday, April 15, 2010

+70 a little down


Just wanted to let everyone know that I went to clinic yesterday. When I got my blood work back all my electrolytes were crazy. They put me on magnesium and potassium and still have to come back on Friday. All my numbers went down also... platelet 62, WBC 5.3, Hemoglobin 10 and ABS 3.1. I know that is good for being on day 70 but they all went down and that is a little discouraging. Also, I got up and got sick this morning right before my PT and I didn't feel good so we didn't go. I do have clinic and Speech therapy on Friday. Over all I still have a good countenance and am still eating a little. Please keep praying for me to eat more good for me foods (don't want to go back on TPN) and get my oral meds down (even though we just added 2 more). Hope ya'll have a wonderful day.


  1. Our dear Si, we are next door thinking of you and saying our prayers that you feel better tomorrow. All these road bumps are discouraging but we've been over plenty of them, haven't we? And nothing can keep us down, can it? Stay Strong Sweet Si! Love you! Torie and the Grandma's

  2. Aw, Josiah, so sorry to hear about all your numbers going down, BUT,this too shall pass, and those numbers will start going up again soon and before you know it, you will be back home! YEA! We know God has His special purposes for you to be right where you are for now. Give your mommy, daddy, sisters, brother and Pa Paw a hug for all of us here. We never stop praying and loving you all from afar. I read a passage of scripture today I wanted to share with you. It's found in Psalms 107:23-32. I especially like verses 28-30 which say "Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brings them out of their distresses. he calms the storm, so that its waves are still. Then they are glad because they are quiet; so He guides them to their desired haven.

    We love you Josiah and all your wonderful family! Praying for Torie too; I sent her a message on her page the other day; so glad you have such a special friend.

    The Crisp family, Vera, Tad, Autumn, Carey and Phillip


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