Daddy got my green tractor over the weekend and I love it!! Miss Torie might get one to ride and then we can cruise the halls together. Torie is doing great, just needs her marshmallows (WBC) to grow on their own. I need to start eating and getting more strength back. Wish that I could share some WB's with Torie and she could share some of her super appetite with me.

I had my clinic visit and my x-ray today to see how my lungs are and if my tube is good. The doctor said that everything looks and sounds great!! The tube did move (but is still safe) but is in a different spot and the Dr. thinks it may be causing a slight raw spot from moving and that is what is causing my cough. I don't cough to much it just sounds bad (mainly while I am sleeping)... we just pray that the Dr. had wisdom and I am fine! :) I don't go to clinic till Wednesday for my last ERT and then if all is well I don't have to go back till Monday. We really enjoyed Grandpa,Grandma Linda and Lily up here for the weekend and were really sad when they had to go home. Can't wait to go home soon too.. please pray for travel safety for them as they travel many hours today. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Josiah, you look great on that tractor! Now maybe you'll want to plow some wheat and then EAT it. :) Lots of love!