Hi, this is "Grandma Dee" posting for Rachael an urgent request for prayer. I know that so many of you have been so faithful in praying for Josiah through this time of trial but if we could be so bold as to ask for 'double time' prayer the next few days. This is truly the valley of this procedure, and is medically expected to be the most difficult time of the entire bone marrow transplant. Yesterday, it was within only a few hours of putting out prayer requests that we saw such an improvement! Well, we need another shot of prayer!
Josiah's little body is fighting a giant right now, with little to no natural resources to fight
with. That's why we are continually asking for your prayers, because we know the Lord is more than able to carry him through this. The doctors say that there should be signs (however small) of improvement in about 4-5 days. However, these are the days he needs the most prayer.
Immediate request:Right now, as of 4:30 pm Saturday, Josiah's fever is spiking, and cannot keep any of the traditional medicines down to help his body bring down the fever. He throws everything up and it's much more irritating and painful for his already swollen airways.
Specifically, here are some details to pray for:
- Control of fever
- Relief from the intense swelling from water retention
- Rapid growth of his new enzyme producing cells
- Healing for the awful blisters on his 'bum' and to protect them from infection
- Healing of the blood infection and CMV
- An increase of blood platelets
- Relief of the pain from all this
- Ability to keep what's needed down (medicine, food, liquids)
- Wisdom for the medical staff (and that the Lord would choose them...nursing care varies WIDELY)
- Peace and comfort for Rachael and Jim, keep them healthy. They get very little sleep lately, because Josiah isn't sleeping much at night.
I'm sure Rachael could add to this list and I apologize if I missed something vital. It's reassuring that the Lord knows what we need even before we ask. What a workout the Lord is giving them in the TRUST department!
Thank you, the incredible support you have shown this family has blessed them beyond words. This is a burden they could never have carried alone.