Thursday, February 4, 2010

#2 BMT day update

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it! Thank you for your prayers!! Over night my blood pressure was running high so they were going to start (yet another) blood pressure med. When I woke up this morning my pressure is down (for now ) and my temp is back to 97.8 with oxygen at 99!!! I am up feeling good and even eating a bite or two. Everything is on Schedule.

James just got out of surgery and they said it went wonderful. Daddy will be able to go see him in a few minute and will probably stay with him till they let him go home (or visit me :). With God all things are possible... when the Dr. come back from testing James Marrow they said they couldn't believe it was twice as good as they needed it to be! Wow, if that is not God! Thank you for praying for me and Jay. We will talk back to ya'll later! God bless


  1. Way to go Jay man!!!! I knew you would come though for your bro!!!! Glad your feeling better Si. Hang in there buddy, your are doing great!!!!

  2. Wonderful news! It's so nice to know God has this under control! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers all day! Aunt Kendra is so proud of James for being so brave! Love you all! :)
    Love Kendra

  3. Hi Josiah, we're praying for you today, little man. And your brother, too, who is so brave!

    Rylie's family

  4. Way to go! You both are the best nephews ever. We are praying.

  5. I hope you are both doing well. Grow cells grow! Muah! Kisses to you and your family! Torie


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