Picture is right before he went for surgery at 5:30am
Good morning everyone,
The day is here, I can't believe we have been here over a month already. Last night Josiah had his 19th ERT, they had to start it in the PM because he is on so many medicines right now. He did seem to have a little reaction last night that worried us a little but God is so good. We got some extra prayer and his night went pretty good. He even slept through most Vital (wow!).
James went to the hospital for his surgery this morning at 5:30 and he will be here all day. He was a little hesitant because yesterday when drawing blood they poked him four times. As I mentioned on FB, he was so brave! He sat there and said"don't hurt me gen (again)", they offered him a toy and he said he wanted to give it back if he could leave! But that is over and now he is back... They will put him to sleep and make small cuts on his lower back, one over each of his back hip bones. They will stick a needle into the cuts all the way through the bone into the spongy part which is the marrow. How much they take out will depends on how rich his marrow is this morning. They actually send it off and have it tested and cleaned (sometimes even changed to an extent) and brought back for Josiah. Another factor for how much marrow they take depends on how much Josiah weighs and needs. Being as Si is bigger than James, James will probably need a blood transfusion. Jim is the same blood type as James so he gave some a week ago to have on hand for today.
The actual BMT for Josiah won't be that eventful. They actually just bring in a bag of 'blood' and hook it to one of his IV's. Then its just a process of waiting... they say that our journey will get worse before it gets better. We just keep praying that God will intervene and all will go just fine. We pray for no Graph vs. host disease. And all of James blood will over take Josiah's. Isn't it interesting that on his Un-birthday we want the Donor to give his life blood and put it into the recipient and completely take over. Us Christian believe that on our Re-Birthday, Christ gave His life blood and completely takes over us. Wow, God is really giving us a live example.
Right now he is on special medicine for a Virus called CMV, please pray there is no problem with that ( potentially really bad). And medicine for anti rejection of the Marrow for later (along with lots of others). He is getting Vitals every 15min. right now to watch him closely and his fever is 99.8. I will post updates throughout the day ... thank you all for supporting us and praying. Please continue!!
Lots of Love,
P.s. please keep Torie in your prayers as well, her BMT is today too!! Also a little girl we have met here named Gracie is have a major surgery as well. She has Down Syndrome and her family needs much prayer for a very complicated spinal surgery. You can check her website through Caring Bridge, GracieLarson. Thank you!
Good luck today guys! A Very Merry Un-Birthday to us. Does this make us triplets? We're thinking of you lots today! XXXOOO Torie and the Grandma's
ReplyDeleteThis is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it! We are praying and giving thanks for Josiah and James today (Torie, too!), and all of you. We're asking God to do what He does so well. Thank you for your heartfelt testimony, I agree, and am so in awe of this opportunity for New Life! I pray that many will come and recieve.
ReplyDeleteYou are always on our hearts and in our prayers, with great love, be well!
Aunt Cindy